Walkin’ In A New Direction (2010)


1 Amnesia
2 Dèjà Vu with The Blues
3 My Solitude
4 Wastin’ my Time
5 Unbelieve
6 It’s too Late to Lie
7 Demons
8 Funky to the Bone
9 Beautiful Awareness
10 Bonus Track: Lucky Man

W.I.N.D. is back again after a change of some musicians, Silvano Bassi on drums and Anthony Basso on guitar. This album title is really a proof of the change and means that the band wants to change of way. The first song, “Amnesia” brings us back in the seventies and, as soon as the song begins, we understand that something has changed in W.I.N.D. music. We must admit that, if the former line-up deserved our respect, the new one brings a different and even better relief and hope ! I don’t want to compare, but I really do enjoy the heavy Blues Rock feeling that comes from Anthony Basso’s guitar. He is close to his master’s inspiration, Warren Haynes, but this doesn’t hide his own personality !

"Déjà Vu With The Blues" begins with the bass guitar, then the guitar, and it reminds us memories from… Warren Haynes and his Gov’t Mule, and that’s my favourite time of this band, even if I don’t really envoy the band since Allen Woody’s death. So, when Warren plays “War Pigs”…

However, back to W.I.N.D. What can we say ? They are in the same way and the guitar player is really good. Such a band and such an album, I want them everyday ! And when Fabio Drusin and his voice are at this level, just like on “My Solitude”, we just can ask ourselves that we just got the best Gov’t Mule album since… a long time ! “My Solitude” superb intro reminds me of “Beautiful Broken” or “Effigy”, and it confirms the Gov’t Mule influence in the music of W.I.N.D. The other songs, such as “Demons” show a great inspiration and real good arrangements ! Congratulations Mr Drusin, we just can wait to see you on stage soon !

Philippe Archambeau

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